Monthly Archives: September 2022

Our Learning: We are members of the community

This term, our Big Idea is We Are Members of the Community.


In Maths, we are looking at place value, and we will soon move onto addition and subtraction. At the moment, we are working on our 5 times table. Below is a song that we sing in Maths lessons:


In English, we will start by reading the book Castles by Colin Thompson. We will create descriptions based on an amazing image in the book. You can read the book for yourself here:

History and Geography

In History we will be learning about Knaresborough Castle. In Geography, we will be looking at land use around our local area.

You can find out more about King John, who had a connection to Knaresborough, below:

You can also find out about land use and different types of community here:


More information about our learning can be found on the Year 3 page of the school website:

Our Medium Term Plan for this week can be found here:

Celebration !

Updated 23/9/22

Well Done to the following children who were recognised at Celebration Assembly:

5R Award: Billy B, for showing respect and resourcefulness, especially in PE lessons.

Headteacher Awards: Riley received a HT award for incredible focus in Maths and English lessons this week.

Jigsaw Award: No Jigsaw awards were given this week, but the children really showed amazing insight and empathy when discussing our Nightmare School this week. I am looking forward to seeing their ideas for a Dream school next lesson!